Flight Simulator Games

Whether you're an aspiring pilot still stuck at home or if you're a professional pilot, flight simulator games are an effective and cheap way to get you up in the air without endangering lives of any passengers (or yourself) and possibly wrecking any aircraft.

"A flight simulator is a system that tries to replicate, or simulate, the experience of flying an aircraft as closely and realistically as possible. The different types of flight simulator range from video games up to full-size cockpit replicas mounted on hydraulic (or electromechanical) actuators, controlled by state of the art computer technology.

Flight simulators are extensively used by the aviation industry for design and development and for the training of pilots and other flight deck crew in both civil and military aircraft." (Wikipedia)

The most popular (because it's so realistic) flight simulator game available
is the Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe DVD. You assign your point-to-point objectives and test your skills. Fly passengers or cargo as if you were a real commercial airplane pilot.
You can choose from...
  • 21 new and legacy aircraft (such as Air Creation SL450 Ultralight, Cessna 2G8B Grand Caravan, Grumman G-21A Goose)
  • more than 30 structured missions (like flying a Red Bull race or rescuing a downed pilot)
  • 40 high-detail airports, and
  • 28 cities.
The Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight is a good enough starting point but the Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe (Microsoft FSX to fanatics) is just out of this world.

You can try out Microsoft Flight Simulator X for free or you can use another free flight simulator software called Flight Gear.

Once you have your software, you can always use your keyboard and mouse but for the ultimate flying experience, you have get your own flight sim yoke. Enjoy playing your flight simulator games!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I found a great game. Its a flight simulator, and it is so realistic. You should really check it out